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Saturday, March 27, 2010

-Forgetful Dreams and Future Stages-

Don't you hate it when people like you and I have an amazing sleep? Why you say? Well this is some knowledge right here; whenever people have the most amazing sleeps it will end up in two situations:

  1. You will wake up the next day feeling fresh as a fuck'in daisy. Unfortunately, this feeling is followed by immense exhaustion resulting from you intensely long sleep that took too much energy.
  2. As soon as your head hit the proverbial hay the night before, dreams of epic proportion began to take place; Megan Fox raped you, you bought the first copy of Diablo III before anyone else and were totally playing as a new character never-before-seen on any other Diablo game or expansion pack, you played Monopoly with Neil Patrick-Harris and won and. its. dream-tastic! However, let me advise you right here, all of the above? It never happened because you will not remember a single god damn thing.

Lucky for you I have solved this sleep filled problem...

This is why I have adopted a safe and completely viable way around these two inescapable situations; try not to sleep for more than 5 hours. Its the perfect time to stop sleeping, because you don't feel too tired, and you remember enough of the dream to realize that you weren't just lying to make your dream sound cooler than your friend who's dream seems to just get coincidentally cooler every time you out-dream his obviously slag-ish dream...fuckin competitive friend.

-The Future stages part...

This is going to be short and sweet. I'm talking Gimli short. This will be so short...that if it was a person, they could sleep in a pillow case. ENOUGH I SAY! Here it is right here; every shit, fucked up, dismal, dark and depressing moment you have in a relationship will always be followed by an amazing, sweet, loving, sex-filled and trusting stage. To which, either of you could never have reached had it not been for that shit, fucked up, dismal, dark and depressing moment. What i'm saying is - if your in a shit stage, don't worry if your a girl or a guy, things will only become better than before PROVIDED that both partners in the relationship have enough love between them and are willing to work at the presumingly brilliant relationship ( cause if it isn't or they aren't? Curl up with a slanket (-http://www.theslanket.com/) and some haagen dasz and cry yourself to sleep cause shits happening to you). Conclusively, If you love someone enough and that love is returned, something will always be worked where you two are together and happy with one another. Just another reality check but until then enjoy SEX and subsequent LIFE processes

James Cook

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